
This is reserved for a photograph if desired

On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one’s mind. It becomes a pleasure.

Oscar Wilde

Pennsylvania High School Speech League

PHSSL Related Costs and Fees


  • $50 (with an electronic copy of Communicator that can be accessed via the PHSSL website)
  • $65 (with a paper copy of the Communicator)

    There is an additional $25.00 charge for schools that do not send in membership fees by December 1st

District Tournament Costs:

  • Contact your District Chair(s) for costs related to your district's tournament

State Tournament Costs:

  • Registration fees for competition are $15.00 per student/per event (ex. events with a team of 2 students= $30 for the event registration)
  • $50 nuisance fee for drops
  • $10/day Regional Judges paid
  • $50 fine for each judging assignment missed at the state tournament
  • $150 fine per individual event for each judge that doesn’t show up
  • $200 fine per debate event for each judge that doesn’t show up

    (If a school has outstanding fines and costs that school will not be allowed to participate in upcoming events until that balance is satisfied.)

Drama Festival Costs:

  • Registration fees for the regional drama festival shall not exceed $50.00.
  • $50 Registration fee for the State Drama Festival

Miscellaneous Fees:

  • $7 Handbook
  • $5 Binder
  • $10 Handbook/Binder
  • $5 Labels
  • $.26/each Policy Ballot (ballots used for district tournaments will be sent at no cost)
  • $.26/each L-D Ballot (ballots used for district tournaments will be sent at no cost)
  • $5 to mail State Ballots to schools after the State Tournament